Sunday, August 15, 2010

My First Impressions of Amreeka!!!

Before i start, Independent India is 63 years old. May her flag always fly high and may shall we always hold our heads high as its proud citizens. Independence Day wishes to every Indian out there .

So now that i am finally in the US of A , many misconceptions have been cleared and many new impressions have been etched. Frankly speaking, the experience so far has been mixed. While i have been awed at certain places , i am doing my best not to get carried away, as every inch out here is a fight.

First things first . The only way to survive in America is to ask and demand . Otherwise you can either end up being lost or being taken for a ride. Every dollar you spend out here is worth its weight in gold. Its normal for every Indian to convert prices into equivalent rupees. However, thats a strict no no. If you do so, all you will end up doing is Window Shopping . So spend your time , searching out for alternatives , scouting for places where you feel your value for money is fulfilled. This applies to everything right across the spectrum , right from a haircut to your laptop. Every penny saved is worth the effort. Demand for what is right and ask why you are wrong. There is nothing wrong in doing so. Whether it be the cheese in your sub or the memory card in your digicam , ask for it and get to know about it .You are paying for it and you better do so. Americans are not necessarily smart , but they are definitely streetsmart. One look and they will know that you are way out of this place. The best way to survive here is put up a confident front and be vocal and aggressive when you need to be. As i said , ask and demand.

Dont hesitate to establish a rapport with Americans. Whether it may be a white, African-American, Hispanic or Latino , they generally prefer small talk. It may range from a "How are you doing " to a lengthy discussion on gay rights and abortion. Most of them are upfront . The fact that they want to talk to you and know more about you and your country is a sign of respect they have for you and your nation. So its best served ,that you treat them with the same respect. And yes get used to their lingo . When they politely enquire whether you can take up a task , it means that they want you to do it and that you do not have an option . And there's nothing called Xerox , cheap and costly over here. It's photocopy ,affordable and expensive. These are small , small things that you will pick up on ur way.

Never wear a pink shirt over here. It definitely sends out the wrong signals. Dont put your arm around another guy . Its considered downright offensive unless the person is a gay. You cant share an umbrella with a guy . Dont give a second look at couples kissing in public. Its against their privacy ,however ironic it may sound . Say a "thank you " to every American who helps you and every bus driver . A small extension of courtesy.

Most people here are nice . And they expect you to maintain eye contact. They look at it as a sign of engaging in conversation . Feel free while you speak to them . And yes , remember S.T.E.P. Sorry, Thank You , Excuse me and Please . You are in a foreign nation and its expected that you be courteous to people who are nice to you .

Dont use black. Its downright rude. You better get used to "African American" . And yes you will realize that your fashion sense is way off target and outdated . You either learn to live with what you have or stop cribbing about what people here wear. Dont show off. Americans like people who are original . Showboating and recommedations dont get you anywhere over here. True talent matters and is recognized over here, atleast in the educational system.

But , yes there is a downside to everything . Beneath those layers of artificial humour and slapstick that some Americans put on to make you at home , they still look at you as that "Brown Weasel from the Far East " ,robbing them off opportunities. If you do come across people like these ,you are well off by keeping away and not instigating them and not giving them opportunities. But , yes ,if some drunken guy or girl zooms past in a car , shouting expletives at you ,your country and your family , it doesn hurt to flip the finger. A mild satisfaction if anything. Its a universal language everybody understands. Stay away from troubled and notorious neighbourhoods. And its always good to move as a group till you get used to the place. And yes dont venture out too late in the night . Guy or girl , a foreigner is always a soft target.

Leaving the generic stuff aside, the place i live in is called Gainesville in the southern state of Florida . Its a small , peaceful and green University town. Its buzzing with activity throughout the day and the place is always alive. Its a wonderfully planned town with its amazing scenery, lakes , red bricked buildings and crocs. Modernization still has not left a great mark over here and it still retains its vintage charm. And ,yes it has unpredictable weather to boot . One minute its blazing sunshine and the next its torrential downpour. The weather here is manageable though, it does tend to get sticky sometimes. Everybody has a car over here . Nissan's and Toyota's rule the roost and you will also find loads of Bentleys , BMWs and Mustangs. The city is well served by its buses through the Regional Transport System ( RTS ) . They are basically modern AC buses which run in circles . Cycle lanes and walkways are aplenty and its a haven for trekkers and joggers. Parks and greenery are aplenty ,and its a far cry away from the concrete jungle of Manhattan and Chicago.

Learn to live and adapt here quickly . But that doesn mean that you need to step down from your ideals. Yes, you might be forced to compromise or give way on certain issues , but never loose your identity. Be proud of what you are and hold your head high and walk . You are here for one thing , and keep that in mind . You will meet people of different ilk along the way . Learn to sift through them and select the ones you need. Given a choice , exercise it , because you wont get many such opporunities here. And yes , do try to contribute in whatever way you can. As an ambassador of your nation , its best to conduct yourself in the right spirits and be genuine . This is a land of opportunities and people . You just need to find the right ones.