Monday, November 29, 2010

The Rustle of the Leaves !!!

"""As the sun sets across the ever

darkening sky ;

I sat waiting for her reply .

The days grew long ;

The nights grew short ;

as every passing second

was measured by the beat

of my thumping heart...

Never knew that time held torture ;

as i knew my feelings needed

a stitch and a suture ;

The falling leaves reminded me of

the good and the bad ;

that life could be as green as

the spring;

and as brown as a piece of wood ;

Never had a single word carried so much weight ..

Never had a single word carried such significance...

Never had a single word meant so much...

As night set in ;

my questions still lingered ;

I felt sorrounded ;

with no way out

I knew i could shout ;

for help;

but afraid at the same time;

not sure what she will

think about me ;

As the night went on;

the questions found a voice of their own ;

"Am i right?"

"Or was it pure hindsight?"

"Can i be wrong?"

"Or was it just the effect of a single song?"

The night grew sleepless ;

the ruffle of the leaves ;

a flicker of happiness

running through them ;

at the momentary wisp of life

that passed through them ;

Funny that they are always there ;

yet you need the wind ;

for them to rustle ;

for you to notice them ;

Should i shout;

Should i scream;

Should i cry;

Or am i a coward

if i do so;

As night walked away from dawn;

my emotions tugged at each other.

I looked out ;

as the orange rays of the rising sun;

gave birth to a new day and a new sky

As i walked to my doorstep ;

what lay there left me on a high..

fingers trembling , i picked up

her reply."""

As She Waits For Him !!!

""" .... with glassy eyes ;

she stared deep into the horizon ;

brows forrowed with expectation

and exhaustion ;

a mind filled with mist

and confusion ;

she looked at the sea

and beyond ;

no sign of a sail ;

no sign of a ship ;

memories still young ;

those thoughts and hopes to which

she desperately clung

to ;

the mark of the wedding ring

still fresh on her finger ;

she continued to look

at the sea

searching for signs of

him and love ;

Her mind casts back to times

when dunes and sands ;

meant beaches and fun

and not blood and guns ;

The sun shined on her face ;

as his touch lingered on her ;

she earned for more

as laughter echoed ;

she looked up to see a

bright and smiling face

which promised more ;

a future

a life

happiness and more ;

But , then the letter arrived

as the clarions called for him ;

Happiness wavered

and flickered ;

like a candle wick out of

length ;

as gloom descended on her

she remembered

his final touch ;

his final kiss ;

as he turned around

and waved ;

her ring felt heavier by

the second ;


A twig had fallen

from a nearby tree ;

enough to force her

out of her reverie ;

She looked around

and wiped those misty eyes ;

and cast their gaze

on the seas

and the horizon beyond ;

her heart earning

and beating for him ;

as she waited for him ... """

This piece of writing is heavily inspired by Meena Kandasamy's collection of poems " POINT BLANK " .

Shahjahan on the Taj Mahal

Should guilty seek asylum here,
Like one pardoned, he becomes free from sin.
Should a sinner make his way to this mansion,
All his past sins are to be washed away.
The sight of this mansion creates sorrowing sighs;
And the sun and the moon shed tears from their eyes.
In this world this edifice has been made;
To display thereby the creator's glory.