Saturday, January 1, 2011

from Tiruchirappalli to Gainesville - Its been quite a year.

. The years that went by were always born in the same way for me . My parents used to wake me up to wishes of Happy New Year . I always used to visit the Pillaiyar Temple on Warren Road every new year . This year , things have changed . Whether for the good or the bad , is solely in my hands . So far , its mostly been for the good . I hope the coming year promises the same and i wouldn mind in the slightest if it gets better.

. Looking back , this year started in the same way the last four had started . Punctuated with the trip back to college on the Rockfort/Mangalore Expresses. For once , i was looking forward to a semester . It held little coursework and i had decided to devote most of my time to the final year project . Nothing against the previous semesters , but i never really felt comfortable in any of them . For once ,i could take and study the subjects i liked and carry out work which i loved . This was a huge criteria when i decided that i had to pursue a Masters . The semester was fun ,little tension and loads of memories . By luck , i managed to find a team of wonderful project mates. The next four months on the project were fun . Time mostly was dedicated to trips , hanging out with friends and short jaunts here and there .

. Wayanad was a special trip . Even though it was just three days, it signified pure unadulterated fun . I spent time with the people who had meant the most to me during my college life . The fact that we managed to pull it off without any glitch ,given the fact that were travelling as a huge group was a bit suprising :) . The short jaunts included weekday getaways to Meridien and weekend getaways to Thanjavur . In between them , we found time for a long planned trip to Mannargudi . It was different in many aspects and i will always remember the day i spent there .Not to forget Kodaikanal , the final trip of our life at NIT Trichy . It was just a day, but those memories were will always be there.

. The admits had started coming . I was confident about my chances , but it was a pleasent suprise when i got to know that the numbers were way beyond my expectations. I and my close friends knew that this was hardwork finally being paid handsomely in return . On the academic front , i was not performing too badly and was scoring well . But the project was still in the launchpad . We were kind finding it difficult to get ideas and some of us started questioning our reason behind doing actual research . But , collective effort is never wasted and finally we took off .

. The semester was rushing by fast and the farewells started to happen. Slowly the thoughts of leaving the place began to fill in . I am grateful to the place for the friends ,the people , a few brilliant teachers , the interaction and the good job it gave me . I will always go out and wear the alumnus of NIT Trichy mark on me proudly. The finals exams were on the horizon and we started working on the project in frenetic pace . We were true to the statement " That nobody is as lazy as Indians till the last three weeks and nobody is as efficient as them during the last three weeks " . Results were coming in thick and fast and we were happy with our progress.
The final exams and the project got over all left was the final hurrah.

. The goodbye's were never really the way i had visualized them. With one it was a long chat and warm hug at the end ; with another it was a quiet dinner . There was also a big get together over a dinner . Some just boarded their cars or took autos at the end of it and left . It all seemed a bit abrupt . But not of all them were without emotion . I cried a couple of times . Those tears were probably a reflection of the friendship we shared and continue to share . But , looking back at them ,its a bit strange that very few of them were laced with emotional moments. But , i took it as an encouraging sign that i will be meeting all of them again and again for sure .

. Back home , i had a few important decisions to make . My parents had left me to decide where i had to go for my Masters . Money was the major factor . I finally chose UF as i was being guaranteed 40% tuition waiver. I did have a better admit , but with no aid . People tended to argue that its better to take the other admit and that money will follow later . But , i dint want to force my parents to wait for the latter period . It was their money . They had already spent enough and more on me . Call it responsibility or whatever , this was a tough decision and i had to take it . Well the fact , wherever you study ,your hardwork and effort will never go unnoticed. I have been doing my best so far to keep working in this direction.

. However ,the issues i faced did not end there . Not many knew that UF had screwed up my I-20 and had printed my name wrongly. I had to order another new I-20. Which meant i had to wait till early July for my I-20 . My joining date was also approaching . The I-20 never seemed like coming and suddenly doubts were creeping into the firm stance i had taken earlier . But ,luckily , my parents unknowingly helped me to come through this tough period . They were the first generation in their respective families when it came to college .But both did not stop there , and went on to pursue higher and more specialized degrees . More than anything , this factor proved to be a major inspiration for me . It was a tough and difficult time i had to go through , but somehow i came through it . Destiny played a joke on me . My joining date and visa interview were on the same date , July 19th . The first thing i did after my visa interview was send in my rejection letter to the company .Its never an easy thing , rejecting the first company that had found you employable . But emotions set aside , its a decision i dont regret now.

. So began the preparation for the journey to a foreign land which held a lot of promise . After some hectic shopping , a few last minute goodbyes and frantic visits to relatives and temples , everything was ready. I could not come to confront my parents during my send off at the airport ,as i was afraid that they might break down.Strange enough , they had their emotions under control and it was i who broke down. Thus it all began !!!

. America !!! I had so many images and ideas about this place , before i came over .Some had been shattered and some were proved correct . But , on the whole its a nation which welcomes everybody wholeheartedly. I did not find it that difficult to adjust over here . Maybe because of the fact , i had mostly met the right kind of people . Every new step was fun and it was soon starting to become a great experience , both academic and otherwise .

. Finally , i had the freedom to choose the subjects i wanted to learn . With all respects to the indian education system , i certainly believe the system over here is more useful and efficient . Importance to imbibing and understanding concepts is stressed and a lot of attention is given to the application of these concepts .Rote learning , which sadly is still rooted in India will not take one far over here . I was lucky enough to find a wonderful professor to work under . But ,graduate life was not without its stress. It had begun to take a toll on me both mentally and physically . Sometimes , i hardly used to sleep for two or three hours and sometimes not even that . My body did break down quite a few times . But , at the end the perseverance and hardwork did pay off . My belief that hardwork will never go unnoticed was strengthened even more.

. Midway through the semester , the convocation was held at NITT . It was great to see the photos on facebook , but at the same time a kind of irritation that i couldn attend my graduation ceremony . It was great to see all my close friends ,decked in those yellow gowns and flashing their degree certificates . It was a major milestone in each and every one of our lifes . My degree certificate was mailed to me . It was a strange feeling to know that four years of hardwork and learning finally boiled down to a few square areas of rectangular sheet. My mom told me that i was only the third professional degree holder in my family after my two cousin sisters . It was something to be really proud off , but at the same time ,it was something to live upto. Both my parents held masters and doctoral degrees in arts and science. I was just halfway there.

.Coming to other things, i made it a point to keep in touch with my friends back home. It goes without saying that i call and skype my parents daily . I kept my friends informed about whatever was happening out here and it was great to know what was happening at their end too .The weekend phone calls were always something i looked forward to. If half-yearly resolutions are valid , then i think i have kept this one properly :) . Again , something to be proud of .

. Gainesville is a charming little university town. I have settled pretty well into its life over here. I have good roommates ,which unfortunately was not the case for everybody . Yes, there was friction , but we were prepared and we had time for each other to sort it out . With one semester over and with some good academic performances and research work to boot , i am currently looking forward to the next one .

. Looking back at this year , there was definitely more good than bad . At sometimes , i had displayed remarkable levels of maturity and responsibility . I had taken the right decisions in many an issue . Its a year that i can be proud of .

. Looking ahead , i hope the new year brings more of the same and provides more challenges for me . Whatever happens , i know this year will go a long way in shaping my life . All the more reason why i am looking forward to it . And as far as resolutions go , i really dont have any . I used to take a few , but never really kept them . As one good friend pointed out , do something properly over the course of a whole year and declare that as your resolution at the end. Its a new year , so definitely its the time for new ideas :)

Wish you all a happy and prosperous new year !!!