Saturday, July 10, 2010


"Everybody starts as strangers ; some fall by the wayside and some stand by you ,till your last breath ".

. Life is a long journey ,where friendship is the only transport that is always bankable. We are not born with friends, are we. We see millions of people around us everyday , but we relate to very few of them . We interact with even fewer and an even lesser amount ,have the right and ability to impact us . But , there's a common thread running through all of them,everybody started as a stranger.

We would have come across million opportunities in our life , till date, to meet strangers. Be it your first day in kindergarden , your first outing with a group, your first day in college,travelling in a bus or train, going to a cricket match or even dining in a hotel.

Well , in most cases, its those first few words and sentences ,which breaks the ice. The conversation may be minimal , the words not so great or thoughtful ; but more importantly they should be right . If the two are generally able to sustain a conversation ; it generally develops into an intuition to know more about each other .The conversation may vary across a wide range of topics and issues ; but the ability to sustain it and make it interesting is very important . Its even more so in a fledgling friendship, as words are the only medium through which strangers can relate to each other.

It does not stop there . Getting to know each other is just the beginning. Friendship is something that thrives on one's respect for the other's opinions, likes and dislikes. The ability to relate to each other's attitudes and outlook becomes very important . Not everybody's a mirror image of one another. But in a way , this acts as a essential ingredient for a thriving friendship. Two people with , totally different attitude's and outlook , do find it sometimes , difficult to bond together and relate to each other. But ,even if one shows the genuine commitment and interest to get to know the other person , foundations for a healthy friendship can be easily built.

Some friendships loose their verve , when, a period called "Saturation ( a psychology term ) " ,starts to cast its shadow over the relationship. Generally, in such instances, one of the two begins to find the other a bit uninteresting and the warmth in the relationship ,gradually wanes. Its almost like a cancer . This is the most crucial period of any relationship. Building and burning bridges is very easy, but to sustain the faith in its safety and credibility is the most important .

Many do ,try and work out their differences and sort it out. And its always better to have a conversation , not a talk. Some dont take the effort , move on and try to leave their past behind them. Trust me, the second option is very painful and takes a long time to heal. Though ,some might find the first a bit impractical , because of the feeling that you have been let down and taken for a ride, still, making an effort is something we have to consider. But , yes, if you are thoroughly disenchanted with a person ,who was once your friend and has really left you in despair with his or her attitude and activities, then , definitely , its not worth the effort. He or she is not worthy of it .

Generally , relationships which somehow meander around these upheavals and differences , blossom . Some transcend into an even powerful emotion in love and some become pals for life. There's no prescribed tonic to get over troubles in a friendship. A genuine attitude, the ability to hear the other person out and warmth and trust are the threads which weave this wonderful fabric.

Friendship also thrives on the space, understanding and independence one gives the other. But , its not something to be granted , but rather something that should be an innate feeling . Greater this feeling ,better the depths of understanding .

I cant end this post without a reference ,to the movie " The Bucket List " . I do not know ,how many of you have seen it . Its a beautiful and poignant movie of two strangers who meet each other on their deathbeds and progress through a world of fun ,laughter and tears to become thick friends. Its an amazing depiction of this wonderful relationship . Superb potrayals by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman ,go a long way in making this movie , one of my favourites. I have watched it many times, but still certain scenes leave me teary-eyed. Do watch it if you have not .You will not regret it :)

Friendship is an emotion, we need to cherish and celebrate. It comes with no expectations . It just requires time , effort , trust and warmth .

Dedicated to all those strangers ,who have taken the pain to get to know me better.


  1. I am through and through reminded of a certain somoene. makes all the difference!

  2. Hmmm da . Yes it does. You have been through it . I have been through it . In more than one ways, people have had an impact on us ,good or bad.

  3. wow its really awesome :) ya i hv seen t movie :) its too gud :) keep tis gud wrk vignesh :)

  4. Hi Anjali, thanks a lot for ur comment :) Yep,the movie's amazing :) . And will do my best to keep up the posts..

    And do post ur blog's link when you comment next time . Thanks :)

  5. Hey thanks a lot for ur comment . Will do my best to keep up my posts :)

  6. we all live strange lives with strangers around but yet there s some undefinable connection which connects us through everyone around.Parents are strangers for a just born baby but there s this divine connection which makes them realize that parents are their gods on earth..the same applies to us when we are grown ups...sometimes its the looks sometimes it the words spoken or unspoken that gets u to know more about the stranger..i believe that a person s destined to have a few ones close to them and no matter what comes up, no matter how long they remain as strangers, eventually u will no more be strangers :) ( did i confuse a lot :P i think im myself confused right now :P)

  7. Yes , the first words are always very important :) ... I dont think i can comment on the connection between a newborn and his/her parents .. its kind of divine :) .. It comes out of touch and actions more than anything ..

  8. i think i was sleeping when i commented :P i made no sense !!
